Keep Track of Document Trails
Financial Institutions

The Golden Age of Fraud

Cyber-fraud is booming and faking a document has never been easier.

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With remote work and stricter regulations the middle office is under strain with less time for call-backs.

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Reduced travel means there’s lower visibility on what's going on in the business.

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Lenders are blind in the current environment and more reliant on documents than ever before.

What is Trakk for?

Genuine Documents

Once registered on Trakk, the origin, entity and individual issuing the document can be easily verified by anyone (no onboarding needed).

Immutable Content

Locks the content of a document so that it cannot be changed, altered or falsified.

Visibility on Status

Trade participants can add which activities they’ve performed against a document, building a real-time audit trail of its status.

Why choose Trakk?

Increase Security

Combat cyber fraud by raising alerts and notifying all parties of discrepancies with a document. Be sure of amounts and banking instructions.

No More Call-Backs

Verification can be performed independently by anyone in possession of the document. No delay due different time zones.

Easy Change Management

Create immutable documents which can be easily exchanged by email and integrated with internal systems. No change management needed. 

Live Audit Trail

Build live visibility on the status of collateral by tying a unique documentary audit trail to a unique asset.

Financial Institutions

Document Library

Register any digital document (.pdf) with a unique hash stamped on the Komgo ledger.

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Manage your library of registered documents and view documents shared by others.

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Komgo’s trusted network of verified organizations and individuals ensures the authenticity of the document.

Financial Institutions

Trakk Banner

The banner on a Trakk document is a powerful visual cue to a viewer that it can be verified:

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Registered documents are timestamped which adds a physical banner confirming the identity (organization) and date of registration.

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The banner leverages the positive brand association of Trakk as a source of trust, and immediately provides some key information to a viewer.

Financial institutions

Document Audit Trail

Knowing what actions have been taken against a document is more valuable than the document itself:

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Trakk allows users to add activities to build a unique documentary audit trail which guards against fraud and falsification.

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The audit trail becomes visible during verification of the document. Verification can be done by anyone, no on boarding is required.

Financial Institutions

Verification Widget

Deploy a verification page or out-of-the-box widget on your website to allow your partners to easily verify your documents.

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A page or widget on your corporate website instantly gives visibility to your partners that you are part of a trusted community.

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Plug and play white-label solution allows you to customise the styling of widget to fit your own brand identity.

Discover more

Still not convinced? More benefits for managers and users:

Mitigate fraud risk.

Raise alerts and notify all parties of discrepancies with a document. Any change to the substance or tampering will generate a negative query result.

Build an ecosystem of trust.

Any action registered on a document is linked to both a verified company, and an individual.

Add status to trade documents.

Knowing what actions have been performed on a document is more valuable than the document itself.

Easy change management.

Trakk can integrate with your existing tools, email and internal systems.

Control your data.

Documents are hashed locally and only the hash of the document is registered on chain.

Trace every step

Create unique digital documents based on a defined trail of activities with verified counterparties, to guard against fraud and fake documents.

Let us show you how it works.